Common Conditions
Ask Dr Christian
What could breastfeeding difficulty and head shape asymmetry have in common? There could be a link with restriction in neck movement! Use this simple test to see if your child has a restriction in neck movement, and if you are concerned - please see your health professional!
What is PLAGIOCEPHALY? In this video, I aim to provide a little bit more information about this condition (specifically positional or deformational plagiocephaly) and my chiropractic viewpoint of how it comes about. Do you have a question? I would love to answer it.
Have you been concerned about how your child listens? Or does not listen? They are constantly getting the report back from teachers regarding them not paying attention? What if it was to do with their ability to filter sounds and hear? Could it be an auditory processing difficulty?
Probiotics. Bad bacteria. Good bacteria. Refrigerated or non-refrigerated. There can be a lot of confusion regarding probiotics and their use. In this episode of Ask Dr Christian I (hopefully) explain a bit more about the mechanics behind probiotics, why we should take them, and when we should be careful!
Do you have an unsettled baby? Irritable infant? Or just plain old colic? There are MANY causes of colic, or unsettled behaviour in newborns and infants, and in this video, one potential (and often overlooked) cause is discussed. We found that in infants with shoulder dysfunction, over 90% presented with UNSETTLED BEHAVIOUR.
Reflux!! There is always so much confusion with reflux. Is it reflux? Is it "Silent Reflux"? What is reflux? What can be done? REFERENCES: Bhavsar, H., Cullen, M., & Beattie, R. (2011). Gastro-oesophageal reflux in infancy. Paediatrics And Child Health, 21(9), 394-400.
Can you perform this balance test without using your eyes? My son recetly had a fall of the bed, and this caused a problem in his neck. There are many studies out there that look at how changes to normal neck function can influence balance, tone, and brain activity, but in this video I use my son as a demonstration of returning normal balance.